Khamis & Jumaat ( 24-25 Julai 2008)
Integrated OUM SOP Writing Workshop itulah tajuk workshop yang aku dan ita (tmu) kena hadir. Ybhg Prof.Dr.Mansor, the Senior Vice President launch the event. Hari khamis CTMD kena present SOP untuk Tutor Recruitment, lucky not much to review. The rest of SOP to be done within 2 months.
Integrated OUM SOP Writing Workshop itulah tajuk workshop yang aku dan ita (tmu) kena hadir. Ybhg Prof.Dr.Mansor, the Senior Vice President launch the event. Hari khamis CTMD kena present SOP untuk Tutor Recruitment, lucky not much to review. The rest of SOP to be done within 2 months.